玲珑是统信软件自研的开源软件包格式,用于替代 deb、rpm等包管理工具,实现了应用包管理、分发、容器、集成开发工具等功能。总之来用用看怎么打包!
打包的前提是进行构建……首先构建一遍 sample project bittorrent 吧
1) Install these dependencies:
- Boost >= 1.76
- libtorrent-rasterbar 1.2.19 - 1.2.x || 2.0.10 - 2.0.x
* By Arvid Norberg, https://www.libtorrent.org/
* Be careful: another library (the one used by rTorrent) uses a similar name
- OpenSSL >= 3.0.2
- Qt 6.5.0 - 6.x
- zlib >= 1.2.11
- CMake >= 3.16
* Compile-time only
- Python >= 3.9.0
* Optional, run-time only
* Used by the bundled search engine
可以通过 dpkg -l | grep <包名>
然后把 boost 装好就可以,我这里安装的是 libboost-all-dev
首先安装 libtorrent
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release\
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install
这样就安装好了 libtorrent。
之后构建 qBittorrent,安装 libssl-dev, qt6-base-dev, qt6-svg-dev,qt6-tools-dev, libxkbcommon-dev, qt6-base-private-dev